Our Mission


We, the congregation of Beverly Drive United Methodist Church, proclaim 

Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior and accept God's commandment 

to care about you! Our calling and mission as God's Children is to make 

Disciples of Jesus Christ and to aid all Christians in living wholly unto the Lord.

Everyone is welcome at Beverly Drive United Methodist Church. 


If you do not have a Church home, and you want to be in a loving community 

where you will be accepted as you are, then we invite you to come worship God 

with us! We're a diverse Church of real people, and we're looking for more 

real people from all walks of life!


We are a United Methodist Church, which means that we believe in LIVING 

the faith as well as talking about it. If you want to grow in Faith as you do 

Christianity, then Beverly Drive United Methodist Church is for you!